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YourStory: How AR and VR are redefining the teaching-learning process

Immersive technologies like AR and VR are now being increasingly used as assistive tools and are revamping the modern classrooms, while offering an enriched, engaging, and interactive educational experience to the students.

Since the pandemic’s outburst last year, digital adoption and transformation have picked up pace significantly. Not only have businesses across sectors adopted new-age tech solutions to ensure the continuance of their operations, but immersive technologies have specifically occupied an important place in our lives.

While the edtech sector has been undergoing tremendous growth, VR has been playing a pivotal role in redefining the teaching-learning experiences for the students.

Students are benefitting from these new-age solutions as they now have access to state-of-the-art educational experiences.

Not only have these technologies been implemented in social science and history, but are also utilised to extend enhanced teaching experiences in the field of STEM learning and subjects such as Maths and Science along with extension of language and soft skills training.

Know more about the Benefits of incorporating immersive technologies in learning on YourStory

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