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Higher Education Digest: 5 Issues highlighted during the COVID-19 Pandemic with the current Ed-Tech space

The pandemic’s outburst last year brought about major disruptions. Be it our lifestyles or businesses, every aspect of our life upturned. Owing to COVID-19 induced lockdown and social distancing norms, every organization resorted to the online medium to ensure their survival and continuance of their operations. The education space was no exception and the emergence of ed-tech at the global level picked up pace primarily due to coronavirus. 

However, tech-based learning in India comes with its fair share of challenges as well. Be it, teachers, parents, or students, moving from the physical mode of teaching to the virtual space for learning was indeed a major and sudden shift. More than a year with the surging pandemic, the ed-tech sector has witnessed a significant growth. However, with the ongoing unstable times come various road bumps that the industry faces at various levels and is trying to cope up with. These challenges primarily arise due to the lack of proper innovative strategies and the execution of the processes along with the absence of required assistance in the form of tools and technology to upscale the ed-tech industry.  

We have identified and enlisted a few problematic areas that need to be improved so as to enhance the overall Indian ed-tech segment

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